le pain, du pain (lu pang, doo pang) | bread | |
un pain (ung pang) | loaf | |
| | |
gros pain (gro pang) | bread sold by weight | |
pain azyme (pang azeem) | unleavened bread | |
pain béni(t) (pang beni/ benit) | consecrated bread | |
pain de boulanger (pang bu-lan-jer) | baker's bread | |
pain doré (pang dore) | French toast | |
pain dur (pang dur) | dry bread | |
pain frais (pang fre) | fresh bread | |
pain à chanter (pang a shante) | unleavened bread | |
pain au lait (pang o ley) | ~sweet roll / bun | |
pain au levain (pang o luvang) | traditionally leavened bread | |
pain de ménage (pang du menaj) | homemade bread | |
pain rassis (pang rassi) | stale bread | |
pain bis (pang bi) | brown bread | |
pain brie (pang briye) | hard-crusted, very dense bread from | |
pain de campagne (pang du campan) | farmhouse bread | |
pain au chocolat (pang o shokola) | chocolate croissant | |
pain complet (pang komple) | wholewheat / wholemeal bread | |
pain d'épices (pang depis) | ~gingerbread | |
pain (de) fantaisie (pang fontazee) | bread sold by piece rather than by weight | |
pain français (pang fronse) | ( | any long loaf of bread |
pain de Gênes (pang de jen) | ~sponge cake with almonds | |
pain grille (pang grill) | toast | |
pain de gruau (pang de gruaw) | | |
pain long (pang long) | any long, cylindrical bread like a baguette | |
pain de mie (pang du mi) | sandwich bread (with a thin crust) | |
pain mollet (pang mole) | type of bread roll made with milk | |
pain moulé (pang muley) | bread cooked in a pan rather than directly on the oven rack | |
pain parisien (pang Parisian) | long loaf of bread weighing 400 grams | |
pain perdu (pang perdoo) | French toast | |
pain polka (pang polka) | bread marked with squares | |
pain quotidian (pang kotidiyang) | everyday bread | |
pain aux raisins (pang o reysang) | ~raisin Danish | |
pain de seigle (pang doo segl) | rye bread | |
pain de son (pang doo son) | bran bread | |
pain de sucre (pang doo soocr) | sugar loaf | |
un petit pain (ung peti pang) | bread roll |
If you want to learn French for FREE, you came to the right place. This blog offers basic and advanced French lessons for everyone. Also here you can find the right usage of French for the right situation. Just click on the links at the sidebar and start learning French.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Breads in France
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The days of the week and Months in French
les jours de la semaine | days of the week |
lundi | Monday |
mardi | Tuesday |
mercredi | Wednesday |
jeudi | Thursday |
vendredi | Friday |
samedi | Saturday |
dimanche | Sunday |
| |
les mois de l'année | months of the year |
janvier | January |
février | February |
mars | March |
avril | April |
mai | May |
juin | June |
juillet | July |
août | August |
septembre | September |
octobre | October |
novembre | November |
décembre | December |
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Halloween Terms in French
Here is some French vocabulary related to Halloween.
une araignée | spider |
l'automne | fall, autumn |
un balai | broom |
des bonbons | candy |
une bougie | candle |
un cimetière | cemetery |
un chat noir | black cat |
une chauve-souris | bat |
une citrouille | pumpkin |
un déguisement | costume |
un diable | devil |
un épouvantail | scarecrow |
un fantôme | ghost |
un feu follet | jack-o'-lantern |
une feuille | leaf |
Halloween | Halloween |
un lutin | goblin |
un masque | mask |
une momie | mummy |
un monstre | monster |
octobre | October |
un potiron | pumpkin |
une sorcière | witch |
un squelette | skeleton |
la Toussaint | All Saints' Day |
le trente et un | the thirty-first |
un vampire | vampire |
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Les Desserts- Desserts
Monday, October 13, 2008
Vegetables - Les Légumes
Learn the French words for certain vegetables
un artichaut | artichoke |
les asperges (f) | asparagus |
une aubergine | eggplant |
la carotte | carrot |
le céleri | celery |
le champignon | mushroom |
le chou-fleur | cauliflower |
le concombre | cucumber |
les épinards (m) | spinach |
un haricot | bean |
la laitue | lettuce |
un oignon | onion |
le maïs | corn |
les petits pois (m) | peas |
la pomme de terre | potato |
le radis | radish |
la tomate | tomato |
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Fruits- Les Fruits
Learn The French words for certain fruits.
un abricot | apricot |
un ananas | pineapple |
une banane | banana |
une cerise | cherry |
un citron | lemon |
un citron vert | lime |
une fraise | strawberry |
une framboise | raspberry |
une mûre | blackberry |
une myrtille | blueberry |
une orange | orange |
un pamplemousse | grapefruit |
une pastèque | watermelon |
une pêche | peach |
une poire | pear |
une pomme | apple |
une prune | plum |
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Faire: To do or make
Indicative Present of faire: | |
| |
Je | fais |
Tu | fais |
Il/Elle | fait |
Nous | faisons |
Vous | faites |
Ils/Elles | font |
The Weather in French
Il fait des éclairs --there is lightning.
Il fait doux – it’s mild
Il fait du brouillard. Il y a du brouillard -- it's foggy.
Il fait du soleil -- it's sunny.
Il fait du tonnerre -- it's thundering.
Il fait du vent -- it's windy.
Il fait frais -- it's cool.
Il fait froid -- it's cold.
Il fait humide. Il y a de l'humidité -- it's humid.
Il fait mauvais -- it's nasty (bad).
Il fait sec - The weather is dry
Il fait un temps à ne pas mettre un chien dehors – I wouldn’t put a dog out in this weather
Il fait un temps affreux – the weather is awful
Il fait un temps de chien – it’s very bad weather
Il fait un temps sec – it’s dry
Il fait un temps très nuageux -- it's very cloudy
As you notice it is formed by using the il and faire plus the condition of the weather..
Here are other useful terms about weather
Banc de neige -- snow bank
Banc de nuages -- cloud bank
Bataille de boules de neige -- snowball fight
Bloqué par la neige -- snowbound
Bonhomme de neige -- snowman
Boule de neige – snowball
Brouillard -- fog
Brume -- mist
Ça se couvre -- it's clouding up
Canicule – heat wave
Capuche -- rain hat
Cécité des neiges -- snow blindness
Champ de neige -- snowfield
Chute de neige -- snowfall
Ciel plein de nuage -- cloudy sky
Clair -- clear
Combinaison de ski -- ski suit
Congère -- snowdrift
Couronné de neige -- snowcapped
Couvert -- cloudy
Danse de la pluie -- rain dance
Dégel – thaw
Dégivreur -- defroster
Déluge – flood
Flocon de neige -- snowflake
Forte pluie -- heavy rain
Grosse pluie -- heavy rain
Humidité – humidity
Humidité relative – relative humidity
Il bruine -it's drizzling
Il crachine – it’s drizzling
Il neige -- it's snowing.
Il pleut -- it's raining.
Il pleut à seaux -- it's raining buckets
Il pleut à verse -- it's raining buckets
Il pleut comme vache qui pisse – it’s raining like a cow who pisses (lit.)
Il pleut des cordes -- it's raining cats and dogs
Il pleut des grenouilles – it’s raining frogs
Il tombe de la neige -- it's snowing
Il y a de la grêle -- there's hail.
Il y a des averses – there are showers
Il y a des giboulées. --there are sudden showers.
Il y a des nuages. Le ciel est nuageux -- it's cloudy.
Il y a des rafales - there are gusts of wind.
Imperméable – raincoat
Inondation – flood
Jour sans pluie -- dry day
Le ciel est chargé de nuages -- it's cloudy
Le ciel est couvert -- it's overcast.
Le temps est à la pluie -- it looks like rain
Le temps est couvert -- it's cloudy
Limite des neiges -- snowline
Motoneige -- snowmobile
Neige et pluie -- sleet
Neige fondue -- melted snow, sleet
Neige fraîche -- freshly fallen snow
Neige poudreuse -- powdery snow
Neiger -- to snow
Neigeux -- snowy
Nuages de fumée -- smoke clouds
Nuages de grêle -- hail clouds
Nuages de pluie -- rainclouds
Nuages de poussière -- dust clouds
Nuages en flocons -- fluffy clouds
Nuages menaçants -- stormclouds
Nuages pommelés -- fleecy clouds
Nuageux -- cloudy
Orage - storm
Ouragan - hurricane
Parapluie -- umbrella
Pleuvoir -- to rain
Pluie battante -- driving rain
Pluie diluvienne -- pouring rain
Pluie d'orage -- cloudburst
Pluie fine -- drizzle
Pluie torrentielle -- torrential rain
Pluie verglaçante -- freezing rain
Point de rosée: - dew point
Pression atmosphérique – air pressure
Qu'il pleuve ou qu'il vente -- come rain or shine
Rafales de vent - wind gusts
Raquette pour la neige – snowshoe
Refroidissement de la température dû au vent – wind chill
Refroidissement éolien – wind chill
Sans nuages -- cloudless
Se couvrir de nuages -- to cloud over
Se voiler de nuages -- to cloud over
Sous la pluie -- in the rain
Sports d’hiver -- winter sports
Sports de neige -- winter sports
Tempête -- storm
Tempête de neige -- snowstorm
Verglas -- black ice
Hope you find this useful.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
The Imperfect Past Tense- L'imparfait
The French imperfect (imparfait) is a descriptive past tense which indicates an ongoing state of being or a repeated or incomplete action. The beginning and end of the state of being or action are not indicated, and the imparfait is very often translated in English as "was" or "was ___-ing."
It is formed by adding the following endings to the root of the verb
- 1st person singular : -ais
- 2nd person singular : -ais
- 3rd person singular : -ait
- 1st person plural : -ions
- 2nd person plural : -iez
- 3rd person plural : -aient
Parler- To talk/speak
- je parlais
- tu parlais
- il/elle parlait
- nous parlions
- vous parliez
- ils/elles parlaient
finir (to finish)
- je finissais
- tu finissais
- il/elle finissait
- nous finissions
- vous finissiez
- ils/elles finissaient
- je buvais
- tu buvais
- il/elle buvait
- nous buvions
- vous buviez
- ils/elles buvaient
- j'étais
- tu étais
- il/elle était
- nous étions
- vous étiez
- ils/elles étaient
- j'avais
- tu avais
- il/elle avait
- nous avions
- vous aviez
- ils/elles avaient
The imperfect can indicate any of the following:
I. | Habitual actions or states of being | |
| Quand j'étais petit, j'avais beaucoup des jeux | When I was young,I had a lot of toys. |
| ||
II. | Physical and emotional descriptions: time, weather, age, feelings | |
| Il était midi et il faisait beau. | It was noon and the weather was nice. |
| ||
III. | Actions or states of an unspecified duration | |
| Je faisais la queue parce que j'avais besoin de billets. | I stood in line because I needed tickets. |
| ||
IV. | Background information in conjunction with the passé composé | |
| J'étais au lycée quand j'ai pris une examen . | I was at at school, when I took the exam. |
| ||
V. | Wishes or suggestions | |
| Ah ! Si j'étais riche ! | Oh, if only I were rich! |
| ||
VI. | Conditions in si clauses | |
| Si j'avais de l'argent, j'irais avec toi. | If I had some money, I would go with you. |
| ||
VII. | The expressions être en train de and venir de in the past. | |
| J'étais en train de faire la vaisselle. | I was (in the process of) doing the dishes. |
Sunday, October 5, 2008
The Rooms in the House- Les salles dans la maison
Le salon- Living Room
La cuisine-Kitchen
La salle à manger- Dining Room
La salle de bain- Bathroom
Le toilette- Toilet
La chambre- Bedroom
Le grenier- Attic
Le sous-sol- Basement
Other things in the house.
L'escalier- Stairs
La porte- Door
La fenêtre- Window
Le jardin- Garden
Here are some of the basic words that are related to the house.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
A Magical Post for all who Read this Blog
I've decided that I should add more other stuff here to keep you interested in learning French. This post will be about magic since I'm a magician and I think that a lot of good magicians are French speakers, so in order for you to understand them when they perform, here are a few words that they always use.
Tour de magie: Magic Trick
magicien/nne: Magician
Les cartes: Playing Cards
L'as: Ace
Le Valet: Jack
La reine: Queen
Le roi: King
Le trèfle: club or clover
Le pique: spade
Le carreau: diamond
Le coeur: heart
So when you say Ace of Spades you say "L'as des piques".
Other words related to magic:
la baguette magique: Magic Wand
disaparaître (v): vanish
les pièces: coins
léviter: levitate
For you to fully enjoy the magic, here are my videos on Youtube that you could watch and enjoy. Although it is in English I hope you remember the French terms used in magic.
Until the Next Lesson,