Thursday, October 22, 2009

Mot du Jour: Sourd (Deaf)

Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary © 2005 Oxford University Press:

sourd, ~e /suʀ/ , /suʀd/

~ à deaf to [pleas];
2.[noise] dull;
[voice] muffled;
3.[pain] dull;
4.[consonant] voiceless, surd.
II.noun, masculine, feminine deaf person;
les ~s the deaf.

faire la ~e oreille to turn a deaf ear;
comme un ~ [shout] at the top of one's voice;
comme un ~ like one possessed;
ce n'est pas tombé dans l'oreille d'un ~ it didn't go unheard.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Mot du Jour: Aide (Help)

Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary © 2005 Oxford University Press:

aide1 /ɛd/
I.noun, masculine & feminine assistant

~ à domicile carer, home help;
~ familiale mother's help.

II.aide- (combining form) ~-soignant nursing auxiliary GB, nurse's aide US.
aide2 /ɛd/ feminine noun

1.(from individual, group) help, assistance;
(from state) assistance;
apporter son ~ à qn to help sb;
2.(financial) aid;
~ au développement foreign aid;
~ judiciaire legal aid.

aider /ede/ (conjugate⇒)
I.transitive verb help (à faire to do); aid;
to give aid to.

II.aider à verb+preposition to help toward(s) [understanding, funding].

III.s'aider reflexive verb (+ v être)
1.s'~ de to use [dictionary, tool]; help each other.

In light of the current storm that hit the Philippines hard. I am posting this link so that all that might want to help the victims of Typhoon Ondoy (International name Ketsana) could send in their donations. Anything given would be greatly appreciated.

HELP the victims of the Typhoon via Red Cross

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Mot du Jour: Rouge (Red)

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rouge /ʀuʒ/
1.gen red;
[person, face] flushed;
2.[beard, hair, fur] ginger;

II.noun, masculine & feminine (communist) Red.

III.masculine noun;
le ~ lui monta au visage he/she went red in the face;
2.~ à joues blusher, rouge;
~ à lèvres lipstick;
3.le feu est au ~ the (traffic) lights are red;
passer au ~ to jump the lights GB or a red light;
4.(familiar) red (wine);
gros ~ (familiar) cheap red wine;
un coup de ~ (familiar) a glass of red wine.

être ~ comme une tomate or une écrevisse (from embarrassment) to be as red as a beetroot GB or a beet US;
(from running) to be red in the face.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mot du Jour: Boulanger (Baker)

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boulanger, -ère /bulɑ̃ʒe/ , /ɛʀ/
noun, masculine, feminine

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Mot du Jour: Pâte (Pastry)

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pâte /pɑt/
I.feminine noun

II.pâtes noun, feminine plural ~s (alimentaires) pasta.

~ d'amandes marzipan;
~s de fruit(s) fruit jellies;
~ à modeler Plasticine®;
~ à tartiner spread.

mettre la main à la ~ to pitch in.

pâté /pɑte/ masculine noun

~ en croûte ≈ pie;
3.~ de maisons block (of houses);

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Mot du Jour: Irriter (Irritate)

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irriter /iʀite/

I.transitive verb irritate, to annoy;
2.Med to irritate.

II.s'irriter reflexive verb (+ v être) get angry;
2.Med to become irritated.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Mot du Jour: Soleil (Sun)

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soleil /sɔlɛj/ masculine noun
~ de minuit midnight sun;
en plein ~ [sit] in (the) hot sun;
[leave something] in direct sunlight;
quand il y a du ~ when it's sunny;
attraper un coup or des coups de ~ to get sunburned.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Mot du Jour: Velo (Bike)

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vélo /velo/ masculine noun
(familiar) bike;
faire du ~ to cycle.

~ d'appartement exercise bike;
~ tout terrain, VTT mountain bike.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Mot du Jour: Livre (Book)

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livre1 /livʀ/ masculine noun
c'est mon ~ de chevet it's my bedside book;
figurative it's my bible.

~ blanc blue book;
~ de bord logbook;
~ d'or visitors' book;
~ de poche® paperback;
~ scolaire schoolbook.
livre2 /livʀ/ feminine noun

~ sterling pound sterling;
~ irlandaise Irish pound, punt;
2.(unit of weight) half a kilo;
(in UK) pound.

livrer /livʀe/

I.transitive verb deliver [goods];
~ qn to deliver sb's order; hand [sb] over [criminal];
to betray [accomplice, secret];
3.être livré à soi-même to be left to one's own devices; nous livre un peu de lui-même he reveals something of himself. livrer reflexive verb (+ v être) ~ à un trafic de drogue to engage in drug trafficking; ~ à [criminal] to give oneself up to; ~ à un ami to confide in a friend.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Mot du Jour: Nuage (Cloud)

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nuage /nyaʒ/ masculine noun
sans ~s [sky] cloudless;
[happiness] unclouded;
~ de lait dash of milk.

descendre de son ~ to come back to earth.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Mot du jour: Fil (Thread)

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fil /fil/
I.masculine noun
→ See Also→ coudre;
~ de fer wire;
(on appliance) flex GB, cord US;
(on phone) lead;
coup de ~ (familiar) (phone) call;
au bout du ~ (familiar) on the phone;
5.(of conversation, text) thread;
perdre le ~ des événements to lose track of events;
6.(of razor) edge. fil de phrase in the course of;
au ~ des ans over the years;
aller au ~ de l'eau to go with the flow.

~ conducteur (of heat) conductor;
(of novel) thread;
(of inquiry) lead;
~ directeur guiding principle.

ne tenir qu'à un ~ to hang by a thread.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Mot du Jour: Hébergement

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hébergement /ebɛʀʒəmɑ̃/ masculine noun

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Mot du Jour: Laver (To Wash)

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laver /lave/
transitive verb
to wash [clothes, child, car];~ son linge to do one's washing;~ la vaisselle to do the dishes;~ qch à grande eau to wash sth down;
to clean [wound];
to clear;~ qn d'une accusation to clear sb of an accusation.
se laver reflexive verb (+ v être)
to wash;se ~ les mains to wash one's hands;se ~ les dents to brush one's teeth;
to be washable;
se ~ d'un affront to take revenge for an insult.

je m'en lave les mains I'm washing my hands of it.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mot du Jour: étoile (star)

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étoile /etwal/ feminine noun star.

~ filante shooting star;~ de mer starfish;~ polaire Pole Star.

coucher or dormir à la belle ~ to sleep out in the open.

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étoilé, ~e /etwale/ adjective
[glass, windscreen] crazed.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Mot du jour: Anniversaire

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anniversaire /anivɛʀsɛʀ/
adjective date or jour ~ de anniversary of.
masculine noun

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Mot du Jour: Verre (Glass)

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verre /vɛʀ/ masculine noun
glass;de or en ~ glass;un ~ à eau/vin a water/wine glass;~s et couverts glassware and cutlery;lever son ~ à la santé de qn to raise one's glass to sb;
glass, glassful;un ~ d'eau/de vin a glass of water/wine;
lens;~ grossissant magnifying glass.

~ de contact contact lens;~ à pied stemmed glass.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mot du jour: endormi (sleepy)

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endormi, ~e /ɑ̃dɔʀmi/ adjective
[person, animal] sleeping, asleep;
[village, mind] sleepy.

endormir /ɑ̃dɔʀmiʀ/
transitive verb
to send [sb] to sleep [child];[person, substance] to put [sb] to sleep [patient];
(from boredom) [person, lecture] to send [sb] to sleep [person];
to dupe [person, opinion, enemy];
to allay [suspicion];to numb [faculties].

s'endormir reflexive verb (+ v être)
to fall asleep;
to get to sleep;
figurative to sit back.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Mot du jour: pluie (rain)

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pluie /plɥi/ feminine noun
  1. rain;
    sous une ~ battante in driving rain;
  1. (of missiles, insults) hail;
    (of sparks, compliments) shower.
~s acides acid rain.

il n'est pas né de la dernière ~ (familiar) he wasn't born yesterday (colloquial);
faire la ~ et le beau temps to call the shots (colloquial).

Friday, May 15, 2009

Mot du jour: chaleur (heat)

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chaleur /ʃalœʀ/
  1. feminine noun
    1. heat;
      coup de ~ heat stroke;
      ~ animale body heat;
    1. (of person, welcome, colour) warmth;
    1. Zool (être) en ~ (to be) on heat.
  1. chaleurs noun, feminine plural les grandes ~s the hot season.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Mot du jour: eau (water)

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eau, pl ~x /o/
  1. feminine noun
    1. water;
      l'~ de source spring water;
      prendre l'~ [shoe] to let in water;
      être en ~ to be dripping with sweat;
      mettre à l'~ to launch [ship];
      se jeter à l'~ to throw oneself into the water;
      figurative to take the plunge;
      tomber à l'~ figurative to fall through;
      nettoyer le sol à grande ~ to sluice the floor down;
    1. rain.
  1. eaux noun, feminine plural
    1. water;
    1. Med waters.
~ bénite holy water;
~ de chaux limewater;
~ douce fresh water;
~ de Javel ≈ (chloride) bleach;
~ de mer seawater;
~ oxygénée hydrogen peroxide;
~ plate plain water;
still mineral water;
~ de rose: à l'~ de rose [novel] sentimental;
~x et forêts forestry commission;
~x usées waste water.

mettre l'~ à la bouche de qn to make sb's mouth water;
ou dans ces ~x-là (familiar) or thereabouts;
vivre d'amour et d'~ fraîche to live on love alone.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Learn French Now: Update

Starting May 1, 2009 Learn French Now will be updated on a weekly basis. The author of the blog will be on a hiatus but he will still continue on posting French Lessons at least once a week for all the readers to learn from.

Thank you very much for supporting this blog and I hope you learn a lot of French and use it in your everyday life. Hopefully by the time the author gets things going this blog will be back updating in a daily basis.

For now enjoy reviewing all the other past lessons in this blog and feel free to contact me for any requests using the contact form on the navigation bar above.

à la prochaine fois,

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mot du Jour: rouage (wheel)

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rouage /ʀwaʒ/ masculine noun

1. (of machine) (cog)wheel;
les ~s the parts or works;

2. (of administration) machinery;
les ~s bureaucratiques the wheels of bureaucracy.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Mot du jour: travail (work)

Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary © 2005 Oxford University Press:
travail, pl -aux /tʀavaj/ , /o/
  1. masculine noun
    1. gen work;
      se mettre au ~ to get down to work;
      avoir du ~ to have work to do;
      les gros travaux the heavy work;
      (félicitations) c'est du beau ~! you've done a great job on that!;
      qu'est-ce que c'est que ce ~? what do you call this?;
      ne me téléphone pas à mon ~ don't call me at work;
      chercher du/un ~ to look for work/a job;
      être sans ~ to be out of work;
      le ~ temporaire temporary work;
      le ~ de nuit nightwork;
    1. Econ labour (BrE);
      entrer dans le monde du ~ to enter the world of work;
    1. le ~ musculaire muscular effort;
    1. le ~ de working with or in [metal, wood, stone];
    1. workmanship;
      un ~ superbe a superb piece of workmanship;
    1. (of water, erosion) action;
    1. (of wine) fermentation;
      (of wood) warping;
    1. (of woman in childbirth) labour (BrE).
  1. travaux noun, masculine plural
    1. gen work;
      (on road) roadworks GB, roadwork US;
      faire faire des travaux dans sa maison to have work done in one's house;
    1. (of researcher) work;
    1. (of commission) deliberations;
    1. les travaux agricoles agricultural work;
      travaux de couture needlework.
~ à la chaîne assembly-line work;
~ à domicile working at or from home;
~ au noir gen work for which no earnings are declared;
(holding two jobs) moonlighting;
travaux manuels handicrafts;
travaux pratiques, TP practical work;
lab work;
travaux publics, TP civil engineering.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Mot du Jour: Embrasser (To hug)

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embrasser /ɑ̃bʀase/
  1. transitive verb
    1. to kiss;
      je t'embrasse lots of love;
    1. to embrace;
      to hug;
    1. to take up [career, cause].
  1. s'embrasser reflexive verb (+ v être)
    1. to kiss (each other);
    1. to embrace;
      to hug.
~ qn comme du bon pain to hug sb warmly.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Mot du Jour: Examen (Exam)

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examen /ɛgzamɛ̃/ masculine noun
  1. Sch, Univ examination, exam;
    passer un ~ to take an exam;
    ~ de rattrapage retake, resit GB;
  1. Med examination;
  1. examination;
    être en cours d'~ to be under review;
    to be under consideration;
  1. inspection.
~ blanc mock (exam), practice exam;
~ de conscience self-examination;
~ spécial d'entrée à l'université, ESEU university entrance exam for students not having the baccalaureate.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mot du Jour: Cafard (Cockroach)

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cafard /kafaʀ/ masculine noun
  1. (familiar) depression;
    avoir le ~ to be down in the dumps (colloquial);
  1. cockroach.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Mot du Jour: Profond (Deep)

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profond, ~e /pʀɔfɔ̃/ , /ɔ̃d/
  1. adjective
    1. deep;
      peu ~ shallow;
    1. [boredom] acute;
      [sigh] heavy;
      [feeling, sleep, colour] deep;
    1. [change, ignorance] profound;
    1. [mind, remark] profound;
      [gaze] penetrating;
    1. la France ~e provincial France;
      l'Amérique ~e small-town America.
  1. adverb deeply, deep down.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Mot du Jour: Maillot (undershirt)

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maillot /majo/ masculine noun
  1. ~ (de corps) vest GB, undershirt US;
  1. (of footballer) shirt;
    (of cyclist) jersey;
  1. swimsuit.
~ de bain swimsuit;
le ~ jaune the leader in the Tour de France.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Mot du Jour: tête (head)

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tête /tɛt/ feminine noun
  1. head;
    en pleine ~ (right) in the head;
    ~ baissée [rush] headlong;
    la ~ en bas [hang] upside down;
    se laver la ~ to wash one's hair;
    au-dessus de nos ~s overhead;
    être tombé sur la ~ figurative (familiar) to have gone off one's rocker (colloquial);
    ma ~ est mise à prix there's a price on my head;
    vouloir la ~ de qn to want sb's head;
    to be after sb's head;
    risquer sa ~ to risk one's neck (colloquial);
    des ~s vont tomber figurative heads will roll;
  1. face;
    une bonne/sale ~ a nice/nasty face;
    tu en fais une ~! what a face!;
    quelle ~ va-t-il faire? how's he going to react?;
    il (me) fait la ~ he's sulking;
    il a une ~ à tricher he looks like a cheat;
    tu as une ~ à faire peur, aujourd'hui! you look dreadful today!;
  1. de ~ [quote, recite] from memory;
    [calculate] in one's head;
    tu n'as pas de ~! you have a mind like a sieve!;
    avoir qch en ~ to have sth in mind;
    où avais-je la ~? whatever was I thinking of?;
    ça (ne) va pas, la ~? (familiar) are you out of your mind or what?;
    mets-lui ça dans la ~ drum it into him/her;
    passer par la ~ de qn [idea] to cross sb's mind;
    monter la ~ à Pierre contre Paul to turn Pierre against Paul;
    j'ai la ~ qui tourne my head's spinning;
    monter à la ~ de qn [alcohol, success] to go to sb's head;
    il a encore toute sa ~ (à lui) he's still got all his faculties;
    n'en faire qu'à sa ~ to go one's own way;
    tenir ~ à qn to stand up to sb;
  1. (person) avoir ses ~s to have one's favourites (BrE);
    un dîner en ~ à ~ an intimate dinner for two;
    par ~ gen a head, each;
    (in statistics) per capita;
  1. (measurement) head;
    avoir une ~ d'avance sur qn to be a short length in front of sb;
  1. il a été nommé à la ~ du groupe he was appointed head of the group;
    prendre la ~ des opérations to take charge of operations;
    être à la ~ d'une immense fortune to be the possessor of a huge fortune;
  1. top;
    être en ~ (of list, category) to be at the top;
    (in election, race, survey) to be in the lead;
    en ~ de phrase at the beginning of a sentence;
  1. (of train) front;
    (of convoy) head;
    (of tree, mast) top;
    (of screw, nail) head;
    en ~ de file first in line;
  1. Sport (in football) faire une ~ to head the ball;
  1. Mil (of missile) warhead;
  1. ~ de lecture (in tape recorder, video recorder) head.
~ en l'air scatterbrain;
~ brûlée daredevil;
~ à claques (familiar) pain (colloquial);
~ de linotte = See Also~ en l'air;
~ de mort skull;
death's head;
skull and crossbones;
~ de mule (familiar) mule;
être une vraie ~ de mule (familiar) to be as stubborn as a mule;
~ de Turc (familiar) whipping boy.
j'en mettrais ma ~ à couper I'd swear to it;
en avoir par-dessus la ~ (familiar) to be fed up to the back teeth (colloquial);
ça me prend la ~ (familiar) it's a real drag (colloquial).

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Mot du Jour: Changement (Change)

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changement /ʃɑ̃ʒmɑ̃/ masculine noun change;
~ en mieux/pire change for the better/worse.

Mot du Jour: Paques

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  1. noun Pâques m; Easter
    at ~ à Pâques;
    Happy ~ Joyeuses Pâques.
  1. adjective (Sunday, egg) de Pâques.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Mot du Jour: vendredi (Friday)

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vendredi /vɑ̃dʀədi/ masculine noun Friday;
~ saint Good Friday.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Mot du Jour: jeûne (fasting)

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jeûne /ʒøn/ masculine noun
  1. fasting;
  1. period of fasting.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Mot du Jour: Souffrance (Suffering)

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souffrance /sufʀɑ̃s/ feminine noun suffering.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Mot du Jour: Baiser (Kiss)

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  1. noun baiser m;
    to give sb a ~ embrasser qn, donner un baiser à qn.
  1. transitive verb embrasser, donner un baiser à (person);
    to ~ sb on embrasser qn sur (cheek, lips);
    we ~ed each other nous nous sommes embrassés.
  1. intransitive verb s'embrasser.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Mot du Jour: Oeil (Eye)

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œil, pl yeux /œj/ , /jø/ masculine noun eye;
ouvrir l'~ to keep one's eyes open;
fermer les yeux sur qch to turn a blind eye to sth;
acheter qch les yeux fermés to buy sth with complete confidence;
avoir l'~ à tout to be vigilant;
jeter un ~ à or sur qch to have a quick look at sth;
aux yeux de tous openly;
jeter un coup d'~ à qch to glance at sth;
avoir le coup d'~ to have a good eye;
regarder qch d'un ~ neuf to see sth in a new light;
voir qch d'un mauvais ~ to take a dim view of sth;
à mes yeux in my opinion.

~ de verre glass eye.

mon ~! (familiar) my eye! (colloquial), my foot! (colloquial);
à l'~ (familiar) for nothing, for free (colloquial);
faire les gros yeux à qn to glare at sb;
dévorer qn/qch des yeux to gaze longingly at sb/sth;
faire les yeux doux à qn to make eyes at sb;
tourner de l'~ (familiar) to faint;
cela me sort par les yeux (familiar) I've had it up to here (colloquial);
avoir bon pied bon ~ to be as fit as a fiddle;
sauter aux yeux to be obvious.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Mot du Jour: déception (disappointment)

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déception /desɛpsjɔ̃/ feminine noun disappointment.

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décevoir /desəvwaʀ/transitive verb
  1. to disappoint;
  1. to fail to fulfil (BrE) [hope].

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Mot du Jour: muscle (muscle)

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muscle /myskl/ masculine noun muscle.

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muscler /myskle/ (conjugate⇒)

1. transitive verb
1. ~ les bras to develop the arm muscles;
2. to strengthen.

2. se muscler reflexive verb (+ v être) to develop one's muscles.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mot du Jour: Yaourt (Yogurt)

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yaourt /'jauʀ(t)/ masculine noun yoghurt.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Mot du Jour: Coiffeur (Hairstylist)

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coiffeur, -euse1 /kwafœʀ/ , /øz/ noun, masculine, feminine hairdresser.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Mot du Jour: Venir (To Come)

Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary © 2005 Oxford University Press:

venir /vəniʀ/
    1. venir de faire to have just done;
      elle vient de partir she's just left;
      ‘vient de paraître‘ (of book) ‘new!’;
    1. ~ aggraver la situation to make the situation worse;
    1. le ballon est venu rouler sous mes pieds the ball rolled up to my feet;
    1. s'il venait à pleuvoir if it should rain.
  1. intransitive verb (+ v être)
    1. to come;
      ~ de to come from;
      ~ après/avant to come after/before;
      allez, viens! come on!;
      viens voir come and see;
      j'en viens I've just been there;
      je viens de sa part he/she sent me to see you;
      faire ~ qn to send for sb;
      to get sb to come;
      faire ~ le médecin to call the doctor;
      ça ne m'est jamais venu à l'idée it never crossed my mind;
      dans les jours à ~ in the next few days;
    1. en ~ à to come to;
      en ~ aux mains to come to blows.

Here's the conjugation in the present tense:

Indicative Present of venir:

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Mot du Jour: Démissioner (Resign)

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démissionner /demisjɔne/intransitive verb
  1. to resign (de from);
  1. to abdicate one's responsibilities.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mot du Jour: Confiance (Faith)

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confiance /kɔ̃fjɑ̃s/ feminine noun
  1. trust;
    de ~ [person] trustworthy;
    [mission] which requires trust;
    avoir ~ en qn, faire ~ à qn to trust sb;
    mettre qn en ~ to win sb's trust;
  1. (in ability, self) confidence;
~ en soi (self-)confidence.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Mot du Jour: Peigne (Comb)

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Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary © 2005 Oxford University Press:

peigne /pɛɲ/ masculine noun comb.

Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary © 2005 Oxford University Press:
peigner /peɲe/
  1. transitive verb to comb [hair, wool].
  1. se peigner reflexive verb (+ v être) to comb one's hair.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Mot du jour: Nourriture (Food)

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Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary © 2005 Oxford University Press:

/nuʀityʀ/ feminine noun
  1. food;
  1. diet.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mot du Jour: Ensemble (Together)

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Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary © 2005 Oxford University Press:
ensemble /ɑ̃sɑ̃bl/
  1. adverb
    1. together;
    1. at the same time.
  1. masculine noun
    1. group;
      un ~ de personnes a group of people;
      une vue d'~ an overall view;
      plan d'~ d'une ville general plan of a town;
      dans l'~ by and large;
      dans l'~ de throughout;
      dans son or leur ~ as a whole;
    1. (of luggage, measures) set;
    1. unity, cohesion;
      former un bel ~ to form a harmonious whole;
    1. (of gestures) coordination;
      (of sounds) unison;
      un mouvement d'~ a coordinated movement;
    1. (in mathematics) set;
    1. Mus ensemble;
    1. (of offices) complex;
      ~ hôtelier hotel complex;
      ~ industriel industrial estate GB or park US;
    1. (set of clothes) outfit;

Monday, March 9, 2009

Mot du Jour: Beau/Belle (handsome/beautiful)

Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary © 2005 Oxford University Press:
beau (bel before vowel or mute h), belle1, mpl ~x /bo/ , /bɛl/
  1. adjective
    1. beautiful;
      se faire ~ to do oneself up;
      ce n'est pas ~ à voir (familiar) ! it's not a pretty sight!;
    1. good;
      un ~ geste a noble gesture;
      fais de ~x rêves! sweet dreams!;
      au ~ milieu de right in the middle of;
      c'est bien ~ tout ça, mais… (familiar) that's all well and good, but…;
    1. [sum] tidy;
      [salary] very nice.
  1. masculine noun qu'est-ce que tu as fait de ~? done anything interesting?
  1. avoir beau phrase j'ai ~ essayer, je n'y arrive pas it's no good my trying, I can't do it.
  1. bel et bien phrase
    1. well and truly;
    1. definitely.
~ fixe fine weather;
~x jours fine weather;
palmy days, good days.
faire le ~ [dog] to sit up and beg;
c'est du ~! (familiar) ironic lovely!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

French Song Series: Hymn à l'amour

(M. Monnot / E. Constantine)

Edith Piaf (France)

Le ciel bleu sur nous peut s'effrondrer
Et la terre peut bien s'écrouler
Peu m'importe si tu m'aimes
Je me fous du monde entier
Tant que l'amour inondera mes matins
Tant que mon corps frémira sous tes mains
Peu m'importent les grands problèmes
Mon amour, puisque tu m'aimes...
J'irais jusqu'au bout du monde
Je me ferais teindre en blonde
Si tu me le demandais...
J'irais décrocher la lune
J'irais voler la fortune
Si tu me le demandais...
Je renierais ma patrie
Je renierais mes amis
Si tu me le demandais...
On peut bien rire de moi,
Je ferais n'importe quoi
Si tu me le demandais...
Si un jour la vie t'arrache à moi
Si tu meurs, que tu sois loin de moi
Peu m'importe, si tu m'aimes
Car moi je mourrai aussi...
Nous aurons pour nous l'éternité
Dans le bleu de toute l'immensité
Dans le ciel, plus de problèmes
Mon amour, crois-tu qu'on s'aime?...
...Dieu réunit ceux qui s'aiment!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Le Conditonnel: The Conditional Tense

The conditional mood is one of the easiest to conjugate. Iy tells if an event is likely to occur but hasn't happened yet. In English this would be the equivalent of "would".

Le Conditonnel is formed by using si clauses which is equivalent to if..then statements.

To form the conditional of -ER and -IR verbs, add the appropriate ending to the infinitive. For -RE verbs, drop the final E before adding the ending.

Singular Plural
1st person je -ais nous -ions
2nd person tu -ais vous -iez
3rd person il -ait ils -aient

Here are the verbs with irregular conjugation

Verb Conditional stem Similarly-conjugated verbs
acheter achèter- achever, amener, emmener, lever, promener
appeler appeller- épeler, jeter, projeter, rappeler
aller ir-
avoir aur-
devoir devr-
envoyer enverr-
essayer essaier- employer, ennuyer, nettoyer, payer
être ser-
faire fer-
pleuvoir pleuvr-
pouvoir pourr-
savoir saur-
venir viendr- revenir, devenir, parvenir
voir verr- revoir
vouloir voudr-

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mot du Jour: Si (If)

Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary © 2005 Oxford University Press:
si1 /si/
  1. adverb
    1. yes;
      ‘tu ne le veux pas?’—‘~!’ ‘don't you want it?’—‘yes I do!’;
      il n'ira pas, moi ~ he won't go, but I will;
    1. so;
      c'est un homme ~ agréable he's such a pleasant man;
      ~ bien que so;
      so much so that;
      rien n'est ~ beau qu'un coucher de soleil there's nothing so beautiful as a sunset;
      est-elle ~ bête qu'on le dit? is she as stupid as people say (she is)?
  1. conjunction (s' before il or ils)
    1. if;
      ~ j'étais riche if I were rich;
      ~ j'avais su! if only I'd known!;
      vous pensez ~ j'étais content! you can imagine how happy I was!;
      ~ ce n'est (pas) toi, qui est-ce? if it wasn't you, who was it?;
      il n'a rien pris avec lui ~ ce n'est un livre he didn't take anything with him apart from a book;
      à quoi servent ces réunions ~ ce n'est à nous faire perdre notre temps? what purpose do these meetings serve other than to waste our time?;
      ~ tant est qu'une telle distinction ait un sens if such a distinction makes any sense;
    1. ~ tu venais avec moi? how about coming with me?
    1. whereas.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Mot du Jour: écrire (to write)

Image Source

écrire /ekʀiʀ/

transitive verb
1. to write;
2. to spell.

reflexive verb
(+ être) be written; be spelled.

Indicative Present of écrire:


Expressions with the verb

J'écris un note. I'm writing a note.
ça s'écrit comment? How is it spelled?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mot du jour Passe-Temps: Hobby

Just a little video that shows my hobby.

Passe-Temps: nm. Hobby

Mon passe-temps est____: My hobby is______
Quel passe-temps tu veux faire? WHich hobby do you like doing?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009

When to use le subjonctif

Verbs/expressions of will which express an order, a need, a piece of advice, or a want.
aimer mieux que to like better / to prefer that
commander que to order that
demander que to ask (someone to do something)
désirer que to desire that
donner l'ordre que to order that
empêcher que* to prevent (someone from doing something)
éviter que* to avoid
exiger que to demand that
il est à souhaiter que it is to be hoped that
il est essentiel que it is essential that
il est important que it is important that
il est naturel que it is natural that
il est nécessaire que it is necessary that
il est normal que it is normal that
il est temps que it is time that
il est urgent que it is urgent that
il faut que it is necessary that
il vaut mieux que it is better that
interdire que to forbid that
s'opposer que to oppose that
ordonner que to order that
permettre que to permit that
préférer que to prefer that
proposer que to propose that
recommander que to recommend
souhaiter que to wish that
suggérer que to suggest that
tenir à ce que to insist that
vouloir que to want that
*these verbs are followed by the ne explétif: Évitez qu'il ne parte - Prevent him from leaving.

Verbs/expressions of emotion or feeling which indicate fear, happiness, anger, regret, surprise, or other sentiments.
adorer que to love that
aimer que to like that
apprécier que to appreciate that
avoir honte que to be ashamed that
avoir peur que to be afraid that
craindre que to fear that
déplorer que to deplore that
détester que to hate that
être content que to be happy that
être désolé que to be sorry that
être étonné que to be amazed that
être heureux que to be happy that
être surpris que to be surprised that
être triste que to be sad that
il est bizarre que it is odd that
il est bon que it is good that
il est dommage que it is too bad that
il est étonnant que it is amazing that
il est étrange que it is strange that
il est heureux que it is fortunate that
il est honteux que it is shameful that
il est inutile que it is useless that
il est rare que it is rare that
il est regrettable que it is regrettable that
il est surprenant que it is surprising that
il est utile que it is useful that
redouter que to dread that
regretter que to regret that
se réjouir que to be delighted that

Verbs/expressions of doubt, possibility, and opinion
accepter que to accept
s'attendre à ce que to expect
chercher ... qui to look for
Je cherche un homme qui sache la vérité (he may not exist = doubt)
détester que to hate
douter que** to doubt that
il est convenable que it is proper/fitting that
il est douteux que** it is doubtful that
il est faux que it is false that
il est impossible que it is impossible that
il est improbable que it is improbable that
il est juste que it is right/fair that
il est possible que it is possible that
il est peu probable que it is improbable that
il n'est pas certain que it is not certain that
il n'est pas clair que it is not clear that
il n'est pas évident que it is not obvious that
il n'est pas exact que it is not correct that
il n'est pas probable que it is improbable that
il n'est pas sûr que it is not certain that
il n'est pas vrai que it is not true that
il semble que it seems that
il se peut que it may be that
le fait que the fact that
nier que to deny that
refuser que to refuse
**These do not take the subjunctive when they are used negatively: Je doute qu'il vienne, Je ne doute pas qu'il vient.
Note The following verbs and expressions do not take the subjunctive when they are used in the affirmative, because they express facts which are considered certain. When negative or interrogatory, they require the subjunctive: Penses-tu qu'il soit sympa ? Oui, je pense qu'il est sympa, Non, je ne pense pas qu'il soit sympa.
c'est que it's that/because
connaître (quelqu'un) qui to know (someone) that
croire que to believe that
dire que to say that
espérer que to hope that
être certain que to be certain that
être sûr que to be sure that
il est certain que it is certain that
il est clair que it is clear/obvious that
il est évident que it is obvious that
il est probable que it is probable that
il est exact que it is correct/true that
il est sûr que it is certain that
il est vrai que it is true that
il me (te, lui...) semble que it seems to me (you, him...) that
il paraît que it appears that
penser que to think that
savoir que to know that
trouver que to find/think that
vouloir dire que to mean that

The following conjunctions
à condition que provided that
à moins que* unless
afin que so that
avant que* before
bien que although
de crainte que* for fear that
de façon que so that, in order that, in such a way that
de peur que* for fear that
en attendant que while, until
jusqu'à ce que until
pour que so that
pourvu que provided that
quoique even though
quoi que whatever, no matter what
sans que without
*these conjunctions are followed by the ne explétif: Mangeons avant que nous ne partions - Let's eat before we leave
Note The following conjunctions do not take the subjunctive, because they express facts which are considered certain:
ainsi que just as, so as
alors que while, whereas
après que*** after, when
aussitôt que*** as soon as
car since, because
en même temps que at the same time that
depuis que since
dès que*** as soon as, immediately
lorsque*** when
parce que because
pendant que while
plutôt que instead of, rather than
puisque since, as
quand*** when
tandis que while, whereas
une fois que*** once
***These conjunctions are followed by the future tense.

In a subordinate clause with the negative pronoun ne ... personne or ne ... rien, or the indefinite pronoun quelqu'un or quelque chose.
Je ne connais personne qui veuille le faire. I don't know anyone who wants to do it.
Y a-t-il quelqu'un qui puisse m'aider ? Is there someone who can help me?

After main clauses which contain the words seul, unique, premier, dernier, or any superlative, the subjunctive is optional - it depends on how concrete the speaker feels about what is being said.
C'est la seule personne que je connaisse. That's the only person I know.
C'est l'étudiante la plus intelligente que j'aie. She's the smartest student I have.


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